Help your employees work, live and think more sustainably, fast
And help save our planet
100 Ways in 100 Days™: the employee engagement programme that empowers sustainability behaviour change in fun, easy ways
Help your workforce understand why sustainability is SO important – and give them the tools to make marginal gains changes
100 Ways in 100 Days is a fun and engaging behaviour change e-learning programme delivered via the workplace. It helps people discover how to work, think and live more sustainably, fast.
It’s based on the theory of marginal gains: how small things, replicated many times over, can have significant impact. The UN says we have just a few years in which to mitigate climate catastrophe. Everyone needs to be galvanised to do their bit.
100 Ways uses psychology and neuroscience and positive social interactions to bring people together, from the CEO to the youngest starter and help change their habits.
100 Ways will help attract and engage staff, save organisations money and appeal to customers. It’s an invaluable part of the sustainability journey, for employers and employees alike.
Organisations will also gain 100 Ways accreditation.

100 Ways in 100 Days™ sustainability training: how does it work?
100 Ways in 100 Days™ is unique. The programme informs and educates employees through a series of entertaining, memorable and thought-provoking, bite-sized ‘Ways’ (lessons), all empowering them to make small changes and sustainability improvements in their everyday lives. The ‘Ways’ range from videos to games, quizzes to magazine articles, themed days to influencer demonstrations and much more.
Most ‘Ways’ take just two to three minutes so they don’t steal precious time from busy lives.
Each ‘Way’ is underpinned by evidence from highly credible, trusted and knowledgeable organisations, such as NGOs, academics, charities and other reputable sources – and each helps towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (the SDGs: its blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all).
100 Ways in 100 Days™ is accessible at any time of day or night, whether at home or work, or out and on the go, via the super-simple 100 Ways mobile-friendly digital platform.
Embedding sustainability in your organisation: how do I sign up?
100 Ways is now available in beta having undergone successful live piloting with employer organisations.
Organisations with c. 200+ employees are being invited to take part in the next stage. Click here to get in touch and hear more.
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Last year 100 Ways in 100 Days won a place on Deutsche Bank’s prestigious We In Social tech accelerator (part of its global Made for Good initiative) to help power its development.
This September 100 Ways was selected to be part of the prestigious 2022/23 Inc. social incubator which builds businesses that can change the world.
It is also being supported by the University of Surrey to ensure an optimum sustainability and psychology evidence base for the programme.