100 Ways wins Employer of the Year award

OMG. We only went and WON!!!

100 Ways in 100 Days™ has just scooped the ‘Newcomer Employer of the Year’ at the Brunel University Summer Internship Programme Awards (BSIP), beating, among others, Innocent Drinks.

At the ceremony, Brunel praised 100 Ways for going above and beyond to provide the best internship experience for the two students we engaged. It said they were helped with tasks not previously undertaken with an approachable, kind and easy-going manner and that we ensured everyone was comfortable with the projects assigned to them. The nomination said that any issues, work or non-work-related could easily be raised and that our founder Sue Skeats was a great mentor.

The BSIP programme is a superb initiative that works with Level 1 students across all academic cohorts who meet a set of under-represented criteria.

It offers eligible students the opportunity to gain eight weeks of relevant paid work experience over their first summer break. The internships are aimed at building students’ skills, knowledge and personal attributes and increasing their self confidence. They also build their knowledge of graduate recruitment and explore more about a particular industry, while adding to their CVs.

Participating students get a chance to start building their professional (and often social) networks too, make valuable contacts and potentially even get to know their future employer!

Huge thanks to Shamai Monnaie and Airin Alexandre (Reen to us) for being Grade A placement students (we miss you!). Shamai, a psychology student helped research, plan, brainstorm and build our social media schedule. Reen, who’s studying film production and theatre developed some amazing videos for the 100 Ways syllabus, even teaching herself brand new animation software into the bargain.

Thanks too to Jenny Manzi at the University for her supreme efficiency and her help in making it all happen.

Reen was also shortlisted for ‘Intern of the Year’ for her inspired production work for us.

The BSIP programme has been a real business asset for 100 Ways in 100 Days and we’d highly recommend it to other employers. For anyone interested in hearing more about our own experience, do drop Sue a line at sue.skeats@100ways.eco.